The redskins

  the forgotten hunters is a report that spoke about the religion of the red skin, first we will talk about religion, then about the care of nature for them and finally their relationship with death

The religión

"My Father, who are everywhere, and for whom I am alive: perhaps he has; It was you who, by the work of men, have placed me in this situation because you are the one who arranges everything. And since nothing is impossible for You, save me from my enemies ". it was the prayer of the red skin in his community, but there are different Versions

The different red-skinned tribes called the Great Creator Spirit with different names: "Manitú" (Great Manito), the Algonquins; "Wakonda los síux; "Yastasinane" (meaning "captain of heaven"), the Apaches. In addition, they venerated all manifestations of nature: the Sun, the Moon, the Air, the Water, the Fire. To these mysterious forces they dedicated long silent prayers, or complicated and enigmatic rites, like the Dance of the Sun, which under the guidance of sorcerers, sometimes lasted for days.

The nature 

“With this mystery pipe I will walk on Earth; for the Earth is your Grandmother and Mother, and it is sacred. Each step taken on her should be like a prayer.”

That is one of the phrases of a red-skinned chief called SIOUX OGLALA, in this it represents the feeling towards the land by the red skin.
the red skin considered the planet as its own mother, that's why in its philosophy its permanent care is emphasized, the red skin used to plant trees in all the places where they arrived,
Also, in the trees that they planted, they always make a path that would be useful for the communities that would later pass through the re

The well- deserve rest

The red skin was characterized by his funeral acts, when a member of the Moria community was considered as "the well-deserved rest" because most of them were warriors or caretakers of the women's house, that is why the death of one was celebrated with respect from them
